dinsdag 24 juni 2014

Carsulae - don't miss it!

The trip I made yesterday is one I really like to share with you and future visitors of Umbria. The reason why is that Carsulae, which this post is about, offers something nice for nearly everyone. Especially when you travel with children it's an adventure that they will absolutely like. They are allowed to climb the ruines, they can run in the fields and – when there are not too many other visitors – even yell for they'll disturb nobody.

There are, apart from one small risky spot, no signs about forbidden things.
Of course this does not mean that you won't have to watch over them – I would not recommend any child to fall from a 3 m. high wall, There are plenty of lower stones though.

During your visit, you will be accompanied by the delicate smell of the mentuccia that grows everywhere. In spring, you might even be lucky and see several sheep herds guided by their shepherd and his dog. If you want to relax during your visit, seats have been put up in the shade of the trees.

Carsulae is situated close to San Gemini. Take the exit on the E45 and follow San Gemini and then Cesi where the roadsigns will direct you to the parking lot. A short walk will bring you to the ticket office and documentation centre (and for those few kids that don't like climbing and being outside, there's a playroom).

Carsulae has been a Roman municipium, which means that the town's citizens had some of the civil rights that Rome's citizens had, but was allowed to have a merely indipendent governance, under the authority of the Emperor August. The town was situated alongside the Via Flaminia. Its remains divide the town in two.

The town was entered by the Arch of San Damiano. Originally there were three archs, the large one that's left now was meant for vehicles and it used to be flanked by two smaller archs for pedestrians.

I will not discuss every building, for you can find it in every tourist guide or better, go there and see them yourself, but worth mentioning is the church of Cosma and San Daniano. It dates from the 11th century and was built on the remains of a much older building (estimated 1st and 2nd century before Christ).

Another detail is one of the tombs that were found. The tombs are believed to have belonged to prominent citizens of Carsulae. One of them was found with a leaden coffin inside, containing the remains of a young girl, with her golden jewelry still well kept.

Other interesting buildings are the Forum, the Amfitheatre, the Cisterns that provided Carsulaes water, Thermal Baths and some buildings that are supposed to have been shops.

As I said, Carsulae provides an interesting site for almost everyone. Only when you are disabled or have other difficulties walking, the facilities are not good. Meanwhile, I have approached the commune of San Gemini and have asked them to see wether they could adjust that.  

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